With Sifu Affe and Patrick Mathiesen as leads, the Union of Vesterbro Kung Fu was established in spring 2014
Union Vesterbro Kung Fu anno 2014

Sifu Henrik Sprechler
Former Policeman and Veteran from the Irak War, have trained Yip man Wing Tsun for 12 years and has recieved 3. Technician Level. Brought Weng Chun to Denmark in 2005 and have the Black Belt and is also World Champion of Sanda 2013. Hosts and sparres with Team Saurland, owns the Buthsrs Fight Gym and is Dai Sifu in Copenhagen and Chief Trainer for the clubs in Denmark

René Harboe Jensen
Instructor, Member of the Board and Contact person.
- As a kid I watched a lot of Bruce Lee movies and was master free wrestler in kindergarden. I watched Karate Kid many times and for a decade I truly belived there was no defence against "The Crane".
In 2004 I decided to take a serious step in the right direction and started boxing, supplemented with kickboxing and MMA. I started training Weng Chun in 2008 and have beeen an Instructor since 2010. I have received 7th level.

Daniel Gottschalck
Instructor training under Master Henrik Sprechler 2023.
My name is Daniel and I am 33 years old, I have 2 small girls at 2 and 3 years.
Has 5th degree, started Weng Chun in 2010 at Dai Sihing Morten at Weng Chun Hørsholm and has primarily trained in Copenhagen at Vesterbro Kung Fu for the past few years.
- I was randomly brought along to a trial training at Weng Chun Hørsholm by an acquaintance back in 2010. I was so hooked by it that I have not looked back and have continued ever since. It has given me amazing calmness and self-control.

Mikkel Lind Hansen
Instructor training under Master Henrik Sprechler 2023.
My name is Mikkel and I am 36 years old. Has 6th degree and started Weng Chun in 2010 in Helsingør and then came to Copenhagen in 2012. Also trained Shotokan Karate for four years as a boy.

Henrik Vestergaard
Instructor training under Master Henrik Sprechler 2023.
My name is Henrik and at the time of writing I am 53 years old and have a 6th degree. My goal is to get a black belt before I turn 60. I trained in traditional Chinese and Vietnamese kung fu before I started Weng Chun in 2012. Our Weng Chun system is large, complex and versatile. But it all comes together and that makes it fantastic. I especially love that all elements of our forms can be explained, isolated and used for actual combat.

About us
We are a bunch of kung fu enthusiasts who burns for Weng Chun and who wish to spread this wonderfull art. We have started a non profit union, where the instructors teach for free and where all fundings goes to the union and the goal of teaching.

Patrick Mathiesen
Sifu Teacher and Director of the Board and daily member contact
Have trained Yip Man Wing Tsun for 6 years and received 6 student level (1998-2004)
Have trained Weng Chun since 2004 and have 8th level and Black Belt (Sifu) + Brown Belt (student)

Mingo Schmøde, Kids intructor
Mingo has 5th grade, Blue Belt and trains the kids once a week. Mingo works with graphical design, is married and got 2 kids